200 yard CMP Games Matches

Saturday, March 15, 2025 - 07:30 to 12:0003/15/2025 07:30am 03/15/2025 07:30am 200 yard CMP Games Matches 2 Matches, 35 rounds each All stages from the 200 yard line Stage 1 - 5 sighters, 10 shots slow fire prone Stage 2 - 10 shots rapid prone Stage 3 - 10 shots standing Pits open at 7:30. Squadding at 8:00. Rounds downrange at 8:30. Shotmarker Electronic targets will be used Phoenix Rod & Gun Club America/Phoenix public



2 Matches, 35 rounds each
All stages from the 200 yard line
Stage 1 - 5 sighters, 10 shots slow fire prone
Stage 2 - 10 shots rapid prone
Stage 3 - 10 shots standing

Pits open at 7:30. Squadding at 8:00. Rounds downrange at 8:30.
Shotmarker Electronic targets will be used